Hey Rob,
Just want you to know I am appreciative of all your work, but these cartoons in particular. First watched them in school while I was supposed to be working. I remember watching them over and over again at home because we had dial-up and it was damn near impossible to load much else.
I often think about this show. It had a measurable impact on my sense of humour going into my teenage years, and was a constant companion. As time marched on I came back less often; the explosive growth of YouTube and the online culture in general meant there was so much vying for your attention you can't possibly have time to watch all the new material let alone spend time rewatching things! I stepped away from it all for a few months and spent time contemplating what it is I actually wanted to spend my time doing. In this state of pompous self reflection I remembered a single line that was like a distance bell through the fog: "I get off the train."
I grinned, logged in here and spent the evening watching the classic series again. It's not the same as it used to be, or more accurately, I'm not the same. But nonetheless it brought with it the feeling of simplicity that comes with being a kid. It let me unwind for an hour or so and just enjoy being. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
I've lurked in your stream on and off since then, dropping in to see how you're getting on, contributing when I can. I know you're retiring this particular project, but I appreciate what you (and Johnny) have done. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do next. And every once in a while, when I need a little pick me up, I'll come back and watch a few episodes of Unforgotten Realms.
Maybe that's melodramatic, but as I get older I find myself less embarrassed to express to people that I appreciate them. All the best,